Deprived education based on financial stability and sex. Social stigma centered around the mental health of aspirants and students.
The affected individuals are aspirants and students who are precluded from acquiring their dreams and ambitions. Children of financially unstable parents, which includes daily wageworkers, who cannot afford quality education in reputed institutions because of the upscale rates. Setbacks in providing help for these aspirants of various competitive exams who undergoes unfathomable mental stress and mental health issues. Non-acceptance of education of girl child in rural areas, which deprives them of achieving their goals. Mental health incorporate our emotional, psychological and social well-being. It influences how we think, feel and act. it also helps determine how we handle stress, pressure, identify and relate to others, and make healthy choices. Aspirants preparing for competitive exams are subjected to a lot of stress, which can gravely affect their mental health. These uproot the apprehensive thoughts in students, which can lead to losing hope in oneself. Often these signs go unnoticed by mentors and peers, moreover the social stigma prevailing around mental health issues restricts them from attaining proper help. Thus, it is very important to address the mental health issues faced by aspirants. Aspirants come from various financial backgrounds. Some come from households of poor socio-economic backgrounds, whose parents or guardians might not be able to afford the quality education offered by big coaching institutions. The primary reason for this issue is the enormous fee structure of these coaching centres. The society up to an extent is dominated by the rich sector who can mend every aspect and misuse and exploit the common means merited for the deserved students. Due to the same, students lose their chance and therefore have no choice but to give upon their dreams. Every student has the right to attain quality education, thus it is really important that each aspirant's dreams are not crushed just because they didn't obtain the right education. Education is extremely fundamental for each one to further develop knowledge, method of living, as well as social and economic status throughout the life. It assists an individual with getting information and further develop confidence level all through life. It assumes an extraordinary part in our vocational development as well as personal growth. Even though everyone has the right to attain education, there are areas where especially the girl child is confined of achieving education. This has to change, girl or boy everyone must be entitled to fulfil their dreams and goals through education.
Monopoly of the rich sectors of the society and the conglomerate entrance coaching institutions whom with the power of money can advertise and attain more publicity for their ventures. The rising competitions among aspirants take a toll on their mental health, which goes unnoticed by mentors. These peer pressures and stress might lead to mental health disorders such as anxiety disorders, behavioural and emotional disorders, depression etc. The society often ignore these grave issues and considers them as concerns which one has to dealt with their own. Mental health as important as it is goes unattended in such cases which leads to despair, discouragement and a sense of hopelessness in one. The society’s social stigma is to be blamed here, as the students are not well attended to when it comes to their mental health.
Lack of financial stability among families who are economically poor, children of illiterate parents, children of daily wageworkers and orphans.
The dominance of money over talent in achieving the right quality education.
The enhanced competition rate among aspirants as a result of which there are a lot of entrance coaching centres emerging which mostly favours the rich.
Society’s negative views on mental health, which deprives the necessary aid for aspirants undergoing mental stress.
Lack of opportunities for aspirants. Parents of girl child who is unwilling to spend money in educating them and making them involve in more household works.
We shall address the lack of financial stability of parents in providing quality education due to the high fees structure by providing equal quality education in a very reasonable price affordable by them. We shall create a platform that is open to all. Equality in the society is a much-needed reform, be it in education or any other aspect. As education is one's right, we will to our most ability make sure that aspirants acquire the right education be it girl or boy.
We to the best of our ability with the appropriate resources aims to build a well-educated society in the near future where the aspirants and fellow students can follow their passion with the right guidance.
Those aspirants who come from poor-socio economic backgrounds would be offered with free quality education.
We aim to make our students understand the importance of gaining knowledge by not only helping them in achieving their goals, but also nurturing them to see the good perspectives on life.
We also aim to build a student community with reduced mental health issues. Aspirants would find themselves in stressful situations while preparing for competitive examinations, through proper mentoring and counselling we aim to make them more peaceful and create a stress-free environment.
We would also conduct awareness programmes on different platforms such as through social media, news, and other social platforms about the importance of mental health.
We would also provide one on one membership programs by assigning various mentors and provide them with proper knowledge and guidance.
Without any biasing, we aim to create a common platform for all by channelling and mentoring them through a website or social media channel.
To make our venture more successful, we need more professionals and volunteers who can help us with bringing more ideas and suggestions.
Our current group consists of students and a few volunteers, we would like to expand this by assigning more professionals for mentoring and tutoring.
We would also want to hire a mental health professional who can help students undergoing stress and mental health issues thorough proper counselling sessions.
To provide the best quality education to all, we would hire professionals who can help us with creating standard quality study materials for aspirants.
In expanding our institution, we would hire more professional workers who can divide and assign the works.
Lastly we need to promote our venture, for mass promotion and advertisements we need another team who can handle the same.
NAME OF TEAM: Zigma Academy
TEAM MEMBERS: Sreehari N & Amil Mohammed
The Incubated Project through The Social Hackathon 4.0